Why should you swaddle your baby?
The comfort, warmth and security that swaddling provide are all similar snug feelings felt in utero. Being held within a snugly fit sleeping garment can support your baby to fall into a deep sleep and rest for longer. Swaddling encourages babies to sleep on their back, which is an important factor in the prevention of SIDS. If hands and arms are accessible through the swaddle, babies are able to self-soothe by touching their faces and sucking on them. When consistently swaddled, babies can begin to recognise the rhythm and movement of going to bed and understand being swaddled as a sleep cue.
When should you start swaddling your baby?
We recommend that you start From Day One. Establishing a routine by using the swaddle helps develop sleep cues that are essential to creating familiarity and security. It will really help you, your baby and your family establish a good sleep routine.
How to swaddle a baby: A step-by-step guide on how to swaddle a baby
Step 1: Temperature check
Consider the temperature of the room and of your baby, Love To Dream has a TOG RATING GUIDE you can use to pick the appropriate sleep garments. Make sure the room is not too hot or too cold. The optimal temperature will support your baby to sleep soundly. Check out our handy temperature guide below.
Step 2: Safety check
Avoid using any loose items or blankets in the cot/crib to ensure no fabric can come up above the baby’s face to cover their nose or mouth. Make sure no hanging cords are within reach, including electrical and blind cords. Ensure your baby has a firm surface to sleep on; either a cot or portable crib with a tight fitted sheet.
Step 3: Choose your swaddle
You want to ensure your baby is not swaddled too tight and full hip flexion is possible as this is recommended for healthy hip development. There are many out there including light-weight cotton or muslin wraps, zip up swaddles and more.
Step 4: Time to swaddle
Lay your swaddle down on a flat, safe surface then gently place your baby on top. Wrap and/or zip up the swaddle ensuring there are no loose ends or open parts, with their arms inside the wings (if your swaddle has them). Now place your baby down to rest in their sleeping space. It’s important to have your baby sleep on their back. Do not place them on their sides or tummies.
Tips: Choose a swaddle that can be opened from the lower end, any nappy or diaper changes won’t disturb the baby so they can stay asleep throughout.
Don't worry. With practice, you’ll find the swaddling routine that works for you both.
Should you always swaddle a baby?
Each baby is unique and will have different timing for swaddling so you’ll need to learn how to respond to you baby’s tired signs and sleep cues. As soon as they show signs of rolling, you can transition them to a sleeping garment that allows their arms to be free. As they grow and develop, the type of swaddle or sleep garment they use will change. If they begin to resist being swaddled or become unsettled when being swaddled, it may be time to move onto the next stage.
See our range of Swaddles from Love To Dream!